Estate Questionnaire For Probate Purposes

Estate Questionnaire For Probate Purposes

Green Germann Sakran is here to help you in your time of need and will provide essential guidance to you, as estate trustee, to properly administer the estate of your loved one or friend with ease and confidence. This form is easy to understand and should take you a few minutes to complete. It provides the essential information and essential building blocks for the administration of the estate. Use an extra sheet of paper if necessary.


Once completed, please submit the form to GREEN GERMANN SAKRAN, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES, MAIN OFFICE: 411 GUELPH LINE, P.O. BOX 400, BURLINGTON, ONTARIO, L7R 3Y3, TEL.: (905) 639-1222 /   FAX: (905) 632-6977 / You will then be contacted by our office to schedule an appointment to discuss and review the particulars of the estate. We may have the documents ready for you to sign at the time of your appointment, and if so, you will be asked to bring in the probate fee payable to the “Minister of Finance”.


Print full legal name for the deceased and common name. (ie. Robert John Smith commonly referred to as John Smith)

    YesNoDon't Know

    YesNoDon't Know

    YesNoDon't Know

    Type of account

    Account number

    Value of account as of the date of death

    Name of bank

    Address of bank

    Bank’s telephone number

    If available, please state:

    Name and type of investment:

    Account/certificate number:

    Value of investment as of the date of death:

    Is there a designated beneficiary?

    If YES, state how the beneficiaries are:

    Name of bank/broker/agent:

    Address of bank/broker/agent:

    Bank/broker/agent`s telephone number

    If available, please state:

    Made and model:


    Vehicle identification number (V.I.N.):

    Fair market value:

    In the event of any heirlooms or expensive

    items like art or jewelry, state fair market

    value as of date of death:

    Type of property:

    Fair market value of property:

    The following documents are required:
    • Original Death Certificate

    • 1 Valid identification of estate trustee(s) (i.e. Driver’s License – excluding Health Card)

    • Original Will and Codicils, if any

    • Realtor’s Opinion Letter as to fair market value of property as of date of death

    • Bank statement showing amount of total amount of registered encumbrances/mortgages against real property

    • Bank and investment statements detailing account information as of date of death

    I hereby affirm the above information is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and judgment.
